Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting Something Right

Yesterday in Primary Sharing Time the children were doing pantomimes of various activities mothers do with children. Someone acted out what was supposed to be a mommy reading a bedtime story, only none of the kids could figure it out.

The Primary President tried to help. "What is something your mommy does with you every night before bedtime....?"

Grace jumped out of her chair. "Read scriptures with us!"

Oh yeah. I'm basking.

Tip No. 8943

While walking in the park yesterday we found another fun way to review memorized scriptures:

Tag Team 'em!

Each person shouts out a word at a time, and you go around until you've recited the entire verse. I couldn't believe how well the kids could keep track. It ends up sounding like this:

"Therefore! Dearly! Beloved! BRETHREN! Letus! Cheerfully! DO ALL THINGS! {"Only one word, Mia." "That was one word." "No, that was three words." "It sounded like one to me."} That! Lie! In! Our! Power! Then! May! We! Stand! Still! With! The! Utmost! {Is utmost one word or two? Um, one.} Assurance! To! See! The! Salvation! Of God! And! For! His! Arm! To! Be! Revealed! Doctrine! And! Covenants! 123! 17!

Go team!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tip No. 4653

When trying to help small children memorize scriptures, practice time is much more fun if you do it in silly voices. I'm not sure if this is respectful to the scriptures being memorized, but hey--whatever gets those words woven into their minds and hearts.

And let's face it--listening to Joshua 1:9 recited in whispery, scary, sing-songy, screechy, witchy, babyish, and kitty-ish voices is a pretty fun way to spend bedtime